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To report your child(ren)’s absence today, please use one of the following options: 

Phone message – 01903 204141 

Email – 

MCAS message 


To report your child(ren)’s absence for a medical or other appointment in the near future please use one of the following options: 
Email – 
MCAS message 

The school absence policy can be found via this link 

Extract from school policy - It is the role of the Parent/Carer to: 

  • Ensure regular attendance and punctuality for their child. This includes children of EYFS/non-statutory school age. 

  • When exceptional circumstances exist, to apply for “leave from learning” in advance where possible. 

  • Inform the school on the first day of absence via the reporting platform or school office. 

  • Contact the school in confidence, whenever problems occur which may keep children away from school. 

  • Children should only be kept at home if they have a serious illness or injury. If this is the case, parents should contact the school first thing. If a child has a minor illness e.g. mild headache, stomach-aches etc. parents should inform the school and bring them in. If they don’t get any better, school will contact parents straight away, to collect them. If pupils have a dental, clinic or hospital appointment, parents should let the school know. Pupils should be brought back to school after appointments. Pupils should miss as little time as possible.   

  • Medical and dental appointments should not be arranged in school time wherever possible.  

  •  We require parent/carers to work in partnership with the school and other agencies in the best interests of their child; this includes informing the school about significant influences and changes in the child’s life, which may impact on learning.  

  • To organise and book holidays and “Leave From Learning” during the 175 days of school holidays and non-school days and not during the 190 days of learning time. 

  • Where there is persistent and severe absence (more than 10%) schools and the local authority are expected to work together to put additional targeted support in place to remove any barriers and re-engage pupils.