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What to do if you have a concern or question about your child at school

If you have a  question or concern then it is always best to discuss this with the class teacher. They know your child the best and spend the most time with them, so will be able to answer any questions or investigate any concerns. You can do this by direct conversation with them at the beginning or end of the day.  They may schedule an appointment with you at a later time to discuss in depth or feedback any information. You may also email the office and they will forward your concern to the class teacher or adult you wish to raise a question with. The teacher will then contact you.

If you still have a concern or question or need further clarification after contact with the teacher, then please contact the team leader via the office. The team leaders are:

Mrs Holland - EYFSMrs Halley - KS1 (Y1 and 2)Mr Gilbert (Y3 and 4)Mrs Cox (Y5 and 6)

Our SENDCos are Mrs Rix (EYFS to Y3) and Mrs Radcliffe (Y4 to Y6)

If you then still have a concern please contact Mrs Halley, Mr Himsworth, or Mr Yelling. Formal complaints can be raised with Mrs South. Our complaints policies can be found here.