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About Us

It is important to us to work in close partnership with our parents and carers. We recognise and celebrate the achievements both you and our pre school providers have celebrated with your child and we use these accomplishments as individual starting foundations to their school life at Homefield.

We value all children and feel that it is important to work with families within an environment of mutual respect. You will be asked to sign a Home School Agreement when your child starts school.

We aim to:

  • Welcome children into a safe, secure and caring environment where
    they are encouraged to ‘have a go’ and make the most of their opportunities
  • Encourage children to value each other and make a positive contribution
    within the local and wider community
  • Provide a creative and enjoyable curriculum through which the children can achieve
  • Inspire the children to develop skills for life in order to approach the future
    with confidence and independence

Your Children at Homefield Primary and SSC

All children are welcome to Homefield Primary and SSC. We plan to teach a broad and balanced curriculum reflecting the world in which we live, ensuring that the children are supported and challenged in their learning. This includes an international and cultural awareness and ensuring children have good IT and communication skills.

We encourage the children to be self-aware, have empathy for others and play an active role in the development of their community. We want them to feel a sense of pride in their world so that they learn to respect and care for it. We do this through our Personal and Social education and our Values system.

We provide an environment that fosters a love of learning, is safe, secure and caring and one in which children can take risks.

At Homefield Primary and SSC we believe that children learn best when:

  • They are excited about what they are learning
  • They are given opportunities to investigate, explore and discover
  • They are allowed to make choices, take risks and learn and build on the consequences
  • Their efforts are valued and recognised both at home and at school
  • They are secure and happy
  • They are well prepared for the school day and have good attendance and punctuality
  • They see that staff, parents and carers are working together
  • They have an understanding of the next steps in their learning
  • They are encouraged to be responsible and independent