Special Educational Needs (SEND)


At Homefield Primary School the children with special educational needs and/or disabilities gain high quality inclusive education. We adopt a child centred approach. Various interventions are targeted to support children’s development, for example, Feelings groups, Every Child Counts (maths intervention), Little Wandle keep up phonic group and Speech and Language support. We provide a nurture group run by trained Learning Mentors who support children to be able to express how they are feeling and be more able to cope with difficulties that they may encounter.
At Homefield Primary School we adopt a co-ordination, child centred approach to assess, plan, do, review to support the additional needs/disabilities of the child and their families/carers. We believe parents/carers and their children’s views should be listened to and understood. The Special Needs Coordinator co-ordinates support from different agencies. She facilitates effective partnership with outside agencies such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, and education psychologists etc… At Homefield Primary School we feel it is essential to maintain communication between different agencies and individuals involved with the family, such as charities and support services. The Special Needs Co-ordinator is a point of contact for parents/carers who need information on support and advice regarding provision.
The Special Needs Co-ordinator has gained the National Award for SEN Coordination. She has also trained and qualified from the College of Teachers to identify and teach learners with dyslexia and difficulties with literacy. She has provided training for teachers and teaching assistants with strategies to teach dyslexic children.
At Homefield Primary we are fortunate enough to have a Special Support Centre (SSC) for nine children with social communication difficulties. SENAT (Special Education Assessment Team) consult with Homefield Primary to ensure that the setting can meet the needs and provision of the child in accordance with their EHCP. The children are from a wide surrounding area and work with dedicated staff with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of social communication conditions. Overall SSC aims are to:
• support each pupil’s development academically, socially and emotionally through a combination of support in the Special Support Centre and support in mainstream classes;
• enable pupils to benefit from the access to a range of mainstream experiences alongside the more specialist support of the centre. Mainstream integration will be flexible and reflect individual pupil needs and interests.
Further information about Guidance Associated with Admissions to West Sussex Special Support Centres (SSC) for Pupils with EHCPs on our Local Offer can be found here; https://westsussex.local-offer.org/information_pages/666-guidance-associated-with-admissions-to-west-sussex-special-support-centres-for-pupils-with-ehcps
In July 2014 Homefield Primary School (formerly Lyndhurst Infant School) was accredited with an ‘Autism Awareness Award’. This reward was provided by West Sussex’s Social Communication Team. It celebrates good practice across the whole school and the systems that are place for children with social communication difficulties. The reward acknowledges staff's increased awareness and expertise within the whole school.
Please read our SEND and Inclusion policies (SEN Information Report) and Disability and Equality Duty - Accessibility Policy (Accessibility Plan) to find out more. These can be found under the Statutory Policy section of the website here.
Contact - office@homefield-primary.co.uk